NXJ Wedge Aluminum Full Gold Resistant Wire Clip

NXJ wedge aluminum full gold resistant wire clip

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NXJ wedge aluminum full gold resistant wire clip



NXJ series wedge-type aluminum alloy tension clamp for 1KV and 10KV and below the overhead insulated aluminum wire (KJLYJ) terminal or end of the tensile section on the tension insulator string, the overhead insulated wire fixed or tightened. Each product is equipped with a different plastic wedge core according to wire specifications.


Specifications and technical parameters

Serial number he number of product model 1KV overhead insulated conductor 10KV overhead insulated conductor
Wire size(mm2) The wire diameter (mm) Wire size (mm -) The wire diameter (mm)
1 NXJ-1 162 7.2
252 8.4
352 9.8
2 NXJ-2 502 11.2 162 12.6
702 12.8 252 14.8
952 14.8 352 15.8
1202 16.7 502 17.1
3 NXJ-3 1502 18.2 702 18.8
1852 20.2 952 20.4
2402 23.0 1202 21.8
1502 23.0
4 NXJ-4 1852 25.0
2402 27.2



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